Tax Deductible Donations
Friends of Grasslands welcomes donations from members and non-members to assist work to conserve grasslands.
FoG is a registered charity under the Income Tax Assessment Act. That means that donations over $2 can be claimed as tax deductions by the donor.
- send your donation by funds transfer to BSB 633000 Account 153493960 (Bendigo Bank) with a suitable reference, and
- email the treasurer ( with your name, address and phone number, and the reference you used for your funds transfer, so we can track your payment and issue you with a receipt.
Or you may post a cheque (PO Box 440, Jamison Centre, ACT 2614). FoG will issue you with an official receipt, and you can claim the amount as a deduction in your tax return for the financial year in which you made the donation.
FoG is entirely non profit and run by volunteers. Donations currently contribute to FOG’s supported projects which are small grants provided by FoG to undertake significant research, education and on-ground projects supporting grassy ecosystems.
You can also support Friends of Grasslands by becoming a member. You can use the one membership form to become a member and make a donation.
Contact Us if you have any questions or to discuss your donation.