Friends of Grasslands has an Advocacy Group to coordinate and take responsibility for advocacy. Advocacy includes things like:
- making comment on draft or amended legislation, policy and planning measures to ensure that they are adequate and appropriate to protect grassy ecosystems, or identify and seek to rectify where they are detrimental;
- monitoring measures proposed or taken by governments/agencies/others and taking steps to ensure these are consistent with what FoG seeks; and
- assisting, promoting or joining advocacy work by others.
Advocacy is done mostly by writing submissions and letters, and/or by organising or participating in and following-up meetings.
Please Contact Us if you might be interested in FoG's advocacy work.
You can help FoG's advocacy work by making a donation.
Current Issues
- Biodiversity Network: The Conservation Council’s Biodiversity Working Group and Friends of Grasslands have proposed that a Biodiversity Network is established to protect remnants of natural value that are not reserved, whereby these remnants, together with those in reserve, will be unified into a single legal and management framework. More
The following submissions have been made by FoG on a range of planning and management issues. EPBC is the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Commonwealth)
23 January 2025: Re. Upper and Lower Tumut 330 kV Transmission Line Realignment – ACT (EPBC 2024/10058)
17 January 2025: Media release: Act now, Minister, to prevent the slaying of a Dragon at Canberra Airport
18 December 2024: Re. Proposal for a 1000-home gateway greenfield estate in north Canberra (ACT)
27 November 2024: Re. Draft Saving our Species conservation strategies (NSW)
21 November 2024: Re. CSIRO Divestment of Rural Blocks (EPBC 2024/09953) – Referral application
15 November 2024: Re. 315 Stockdill Drive, Belconnen (DA 202342503) (ACT)
30 October 2024: Re. Proposed Nature Repair Method - biodiversity assessment instrument (Commonwealth)
30 October 2024: Re. Proposed Nature Repair Method - Replanting Native Forest and Woodland Ecosystems (Commonwealth - see
10 October 2024: Re. Minor Plan Amendment MA2024-m, Extending nature reserve overlay and rezoning under future urban area (Bluetts Block) (ACT)
8 October 2024: Re: Discussion Paper: Nature Repair Market (Commonwealth)
4 October 2024: Re: Guidelines for preparing a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (ACT)
18 August 2024: Re. Request for reconsideration of decision under section 78 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999: South Canberra Memorial Park (EPBC 2019/8595)
13 August 2024: FOG ACT Election Priorities 2024 (pdf, 0.2MB)
5 August 2024: Re: Amendment to DA202138722-S144F - Proposal for public works (ACT)
1 July 2024: Re. Review of the Nature Conservation Act (ACT)
17 April 2024: Re: Draft National OECM Framework [OECM: 'other effective area-based conservation measures']
4 April 2024: Update of Australia's Strategy for Nature 2019-2030
11 March 2024: FY25 ACT budget submission concerning the natural environment
6 March 2024: Re. DA202342246, Drake Brockman Drive duplication development application (ACT)
29 February 2024: Re: Lawson Mixed Use Site Place Design (ACT)
23 February 2024: DA 202342493, Proposal for the Horse Park Drive Tennis Facility (ACT)
19 February 2024: Re. DA 202342438: Proposal for telecommunications facility - construction of a new mobile telecommunications tower, landscaping and associated works (ACT)
29 January 2024: Review of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo - Controlled Native Species Management Plan
16 January 2024: Lawson 2A Development
30 December 2023: Media statement: 2024 New Year’s resolution for Canberra’s flora and fauna
13 December 2023: Have your say on Agriculture, land and emissions Discussion Paper
8 December 2023: Draft Amendment 96, Changes to the Monaro Highway Alignment
5 December 2023: Sullivans Creek re-naturalisation plan
1 December 2023: Inquiry into the Territory Plan and other associated documents
29 November 2023: DA 202342111 Macnamara Estate Stage 2 (ACT)
24 November 2023: Key values for Namadgi National Park Management Plan (ACT)
3 November 2023: Draft National Recovery Plan for Four Grassland Earless Dragons (Tympanocryptis spp.) of Southeast Australia
27 October 2023: DA 202341909 Block 5 Section 47, Franklin (ACT)
19 October 2023: Public Consultation for DA-202341900 at Block 11, Section 1, Denman Prospect (ACT)
10 September 2023: Amending the Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Heritage Management Plan (NSW)
21 August 2023: Planning Proposal: 56 Hilldowns Road, Kalkite (NSW)
16 August 2023: DA 202341697 - Riverside pavilion
15 August 2023: Urban Open Spaces Land Management plan (ACT)
4 August 2023: New RSPCA site, Assessment by Preliminary Documentation (ACT)
23 July 2023: Public exhibition of the draft BCAR for the NSW portion of the Ginninderry development
6 June 2023: 2023-24 budget submission (ACT)
1 June 2023: Nature Repair Market Bill 2023 (Commonwealth)
29 May 2023: Consultation on Species Listing Eligibility and Conservation Actions: Lepidium ginninderrense (Ginninderra peppercress)
10 May 2023: Yass Valley Shire DA200091B – removal of 24 trees in Wallaroo Terrestrial Biodiversity Zone to allow for gully filling, including 22 Blakely's Red Gums, 2 Yellow Box
8 May 2023: Namadgi National Park Plan of Management Review
28 April 2023: Independent Inquiry on the Impacts and management of feral horses in the Australian Alps
21 April 2023: Re. Consultation on draft principles to guide recognition of other effective area-based conservation measures in Australia
21 April 2023: Re: invitation to comment- Review of the Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Management Plan 2018– 2023 (ACT)
12 April 2023: Proposal to Install a New Mobile Phone Base Station at corner Quick Street and Limestone Avenue, Ainslie ACT 2602 (AINSLIE: Block 3, Section 60). RFNSA 2612016
31 March 2023: Inquiry into the ACT’s heritage arrangements
21 March 2023: Development Application 202241244: construction of a new 132 kV transmission line: Monaro Highway , Hindmarsh Drive & 722 Canberra Ave (ACT)
3 March 2023: ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project (FoG submission)
3 March 2023: Joint community submission, ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project, Draft Territory Plan and Draft District Strategies
19 December 2022: Statutory Review of the native vegetation provisions (Part 5A and Schedule 5A and Schedule 5B) of the Local Land Services Act 2013 (NSW)
8 December 2022: Campbell Park Car Park Consolidation Project (ACT): EPBC Number 2022/09354
25 November 2022: Draft Variations to implement some recommendations of the Integrated Plan for Red Hill Nature Reserve and Surrounds - DV380 and DV384 (ACT)
17 November 2022: Submission on draft Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal – A natural resource plan for the ACT 2022-2042
16 November 2022: Inquiry into the Planning Bill 2022 (ACT)
24 October 2022: Blocks 4 & 5 Section 38 Campbell – Site Development (ACT)
14 October 2022: EPBC listing of four species of Grassland Earless Dragon
6 October 2022: Whitlam DA 202240629, Whitlam Section 34 Block 10, Estate Development Plan Whitlam Stage 4 (ACT)
14 September 2022: DA202240347 Naturalisation of Tuggeranong Creek adjacent to Tuggeranong Homestead (ACT)
14 September 2022: DA202240527 Ephemeral Ponds catchment swale Isabella Drive (ACT)
7 September 2022: Defence Housing Australia (DHA) Lawson North Development Precinct proposal (ACT) (EPBC Act submission)
31 August 2022: William Hovell Drive – Shared User Path – Coulter Dr to Bindubi St ACT (EPBC number 2022/09238)
26 August 2022: DA 202240416, Block 1 Section 65 Throsby, Proposal For Estate Development Plan - Throsby District Playing Fields (ACT)
10 August 2022: RSPCA facility in Pialligo (ACT) - EPBC referral
1 August 2022: Reply to applications for Duplication of William Hovell Drive (ACT): Amended DA 202138722 and Revised EIS 202000014
15 June 2022: Consultation Draft Planning Bill 2022 (ACT)
2 June 2022: Draft Urban Forest Bill (ACT)
27 May 2022: Draft Action Plan to Prevent the Loss of Mature Native Trees (ACT)
8 May 2022: Casey Community Recreation Park - draft concept plan (ACT)
8 February 2022: Denman Prospect 2 Estate (ACT): EIS exemption, application reference number 202100040
5 February 2022: ACT Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change, and Biodiversity Inquiry into Environmental Volunteerism
9 December 2021: Submission to Defence Housing Australia: Lawson North Development Public Consultation (ACT)
1 December 2021: Development application 202138613, Installation of a new underground optic fibre cable between Tennant Street and Pialligo Avenue (ACT)
7 November 2021: ACT Sunsetting Legislation - Exposure Draft – Unleased Land Ordinances
27 October 2021: Kosciuszko wild horse management plan (NSW)
26 October 2021: Proposed changes to conservation planning decisions under the EPBC Act
20 August 2021: Integrity of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme
18 August 2021: William Hovell Drive duplication (ACT): Development Application: DA202138722
18 August 2021: William Hovell Drive duplication (ACT): Draft Environmental Impact Statement: EIS202000014
16 August 2021: Monaro Grassland Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis osbornei listing (NSW)
13 August 2021: Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct (NSW)
7 August 2021: Wallaroo solar farm, NSW: Referral no. 2021/8994
2 August 2021: Jeremiah Wind Farm, Adjungbilly, New South Wales: EPBC Referral no. 2021/8978
26 July 2021: Beatty Hill, Royalla - 5 Lot Residential Subdivision: EPBC Referral no. 2021/8974
26 July 2021: Threatened Species Action Plan 2021 – 2026 (ACT): consultation paper
20 July 2021: Canberra Brickworks EIS (reference number EIS201900047) (ACT)
6 July 2021: The Poplars, Jerrabomberra, NSW –Preliminary Documentation: EPBC Referral no. 2020/8801
28 June 2021: Woodbury Ridge Estate, Sutton (ACT): EPBC Referral no. 2021/8965
20 June 2021: Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray): listing assessment (Commonwealth)
20 June 2021: EPBC Referral 2019/8449 - Public Comment
28 May 2021: Natural Resource Management Plan (ACT)
11 May 2021: Friends of Grasslands Budget Submission (ACT)
5 May 2021: Regional Fire Management Plan 2019-2028 - Draft (ACT)
21 March 2021: Development Application 202241244: Construction of a new 132kV transmission line: Monaro Highway , Hindmarsh Drive & 722 Canberra Ave (ACT)
8 March 2021: Territory emblems (ACT)
8 March 2021: Battery Energy Storage System, Blocks 1634 and 1635, Ginninderry, Belconnen, ACT: EPBC referral no. 2021/8884
4 March 2021: Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary Draft Strategy 2020-2045 (ACT)
28 February 2021: Draft Cat Containment Policy - Googong and Jumping Creek (NSW)
26 February 2021: Lake Burley Griffin and Adjacent Lands heritage listing (ACT)
22 February 2021: Golden Sun Moth (GSM) listing assessment
25 January 2021: Draft variation no 379 Nature Reserve – Kenny Environmental Offset Site (ACT)
11 January 2021: Amendment South Jerrabomberra Development Control Plan (NSW)
25 November 2020: Adaminaby sewage treatment plant upgrade, NSW: EPBC referral no. 2020/8815
17 November 2020: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020
14 November 2020: Morisset Road Extension and Sullivans Creek Retardation Basin, ACT: EPBC referral no. 2020/8822
13 November 2020: Developing a new Threatened Species Strategy: discussion paper (ACT)
16 October 2020: Commercial development, the Poplars, Jerrabomberra, NSW: EPBC referral no. 2020/8801
25 September 2020: Planning Proposal for Memorial Park, Old Cooma Road (NSW)
24 September 2020: Franklin Grasslands landscape plan (ACT)
14 September 2020: Monaro Highway - Lanyon Drive Upgrade Packages 1B and 1C, Hume, ACT: EPBC referral numbers 2020/8767 and 2020/8768
10 September 2020: EPBC Ref 2019/8582 (City to Commonwealth Park Light Rail) – Preliminary Documentation (ACT)
24 August 2020: Urban Forest Strategy (ACT)
10 August 2020: SSP Crown Land: Draft State Strategic Plan for Crown land (NSW)
22 July 2020: Inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia
14 July 2020: William Hovell Drive duplication (ACT): EPBC referral no. 2020/8703
6 June 2020: Draft Amendment 95 - North Curtin Diplomatic Estate and Urban Area (ACT)
6 June 2020: DA 201936352: Molonglo 132kv transmission line relocation (ACT)
6 May 2020: South Canberra Memorial Park: EPBC referral no. 2019/8595
5 April 2020: Submission: NCA draft tree management policy
11 March 2020: Independent review of the EPBC Act: discussion paper
9 February 2020: New Public High School in East Gungahlin (Kenny) (ACT): EPBC reference no. 2019/8599
30 January 2020: White Box–Yellow Box–Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland in the NSW North Coast, New England Tableland, Nandewar, Brigalow Belt South, Sydney Basin, South Eastern Highlands and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregions (Preliminary determination)
30 December 2019: Draft Integrated Plan for Red Hill Nature Reserve and Surrounds, November 2019 (ACT)
16 December 2019: Canberra Nature Park, Draft Reserve Management Plan (ACT)
16 December 2019: City to Commonwealth Park Light Rail 2a (ACT): EPBC Referral no. 2019/8582
15 December 2019: Review of the Tree Protection Act 2005 (ACT)
13 December 2019: Draft Variation to the Territory Plan 366: Franklin Grasslands Environmental Offset Site (ACT)
9 November 2019: Referrals, assessments and approvals of controlled actions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth)
21 October 2019: Snowy 2.0 – main works (NSW)
30 August 2019: Draft Bungendore Structure Plan 2018-2048 (NSW)
27 July 2019: Blocks 4 & 5 Section 38 Campbell - Proposed Concept Plan and revised Development Control Plan (ACT)
27 July 2019: ACT City to Commonwealth Park Light Rail and Commonwealth Park to Woden Light Rail Projects: EPBC Referral nos 2019/8490 & 2019/8491
15 July 2019: Snowy 2.0 segment factory (NSW): EPBC Referral no 2019/8481
8 June 2019: Preliminary Determination to list Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper Keyacris scurra
31 May 2019: City Hill Section 63 Redevelopment Project, ACT: EPBC Reference no. 2019/8449
31 May 2019: Draft ACT Cat Plan 2019-2029
31 May 2019: Strategic Bushfire Management Plan Exposure Draft (ACT) – comments
26 May 2019: Draft ACT Native Woodland Conservation Strategy - Addendum
23 May 2019: Draft ACT Native Woodland Conservation Strategy
15 May 2019: Parkwood Planning Proposal
12 May 2019: Inquiry into Draft Variation 360 – Molonglo River Reserve: changes to public land reserve overlay boundaries and minor zone adjustment
10 May 2019: SolarShare draft landscape plan
11 March 2019: Snowy 2.0 Transmission Connection, Kosciuszko National Park and Bago State Forest: EPBC Referral no 2018/8363
4 March 2019: Mugga Quarry overburden expansion project, ACT: EPBC reference 2018/8151
4 January 2019: Development Application 201834846 - Estate development plan for Ginninderry Estate (Stage 2) (ACT)
4 January 2019: Divestment of Blocks 3 and 15, Section 22, Barton, ACT: proposed approval decision: reference number EPBC 2017/8028
12 November 2018: Snowy 2.0 main works, New South Wales: EPBC Referral no 2018/8322
1 November 2018: The impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia
31 October 2018: Letter to ACT Treasurer: funding for compliance with the Nature Conservation Act 2014
29 October 2018: Federal Golf Club Retirement Village Project, ACT: EPBC Referral no 2018/8277
17 October 2018: Proposed Critically Endangered Ecological Community listing (NSW): Werriwa Tablelands Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland in the South Eastern Highlands and South East Corner Bioregions
17 October 2018: Proposed Critically Endangered Ecological Community listing (NSW): Monaro Tableland Cool Temperate Grassy Woodland in the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
17 September 2018: Mount Canobolus State Conservation Area draft plan of management (NSW)
30 August 2018: Proposed Critically Endangered Species listing of the grass Plinthanthesis rodwayi (NSW)
21 August 2018: Belconnen Trunk Sewer Project, ACT: EPBC Referral no 2018/8256
17 August 2018: Blocks 3 and 15, Section 22, Barton, ACT Divestment: EPBC Referral no 2017/8028
9 August 2018: Senate inquiry: Australia’s faunal extinction crisis
2 August 2018: Horse riding in wilderness: proposed amendments to plans of management (NSW)
15 June 2018: Reference: Nature in our City inquiry (Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services, ACT)
24 May 2018: Hard Rock Quarry, 278 Springs Road, Rock Flat, NSW: EPBC Referral no 2018/8196
24 May 2018: Development Application: 201833473. Address: 117 Kent Street, Deakin, Block 7 Section 66 (ACT)
29 April 2018: EIS exemption 201800010: Ginninderry, Stage 2 and all subsequent stages in the ACT
22 March 2018: Molonglo River Reserve: Draft Reserve Management Plan (ACT)
17 February 2018: Reference: 2018/8151 Mugga Quarry overburden expansion project, ACT
13 December 2017: Reference: Draft Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy 2017-2037 (NSW)
9 November 2017: Canberra Brickworks Precinct access road and Dudley Street upgrade, Yarralumla, ACT: EPBC Referral no 2017/8072
1 November 2017: Canberra Brickworks, Yarralumla, ACT: EPBC Referral no 2017/8074
23 October 2017: Molonglo 3 water supply pipeline, ACT: EPBC Referral no 2017/8061
10 September 2017: Reference: Draft amendment 88: blocks 3 and 15, section 22, Barton (ACT)
10 September 2017: Blocks 3 and 15, Section 22, Barton, ACT Divestment: EPBC referral no 2017/8028
30 August 2017: Reference: Application for an exemption of an EIS for Molonglo Valley Stage 3 urban development (ACT)
29 August 2017: Residential Development/Block 29, Section 36, Mawson (ACT): Referral no 2017/8013
26 July 2017: Proposed Priorities Action Statement amendments (Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW)
5 July 2017: NSW Travelling Stock Reserve Review
26 June 2017: Development of Part Block 20 Section 86 Yarralumla, ACT (EPBC 2017-7813) and Block 18 Section 86 Yarralumla, ACT (EPBC 2017-7812)
21 June 2017: Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016: regulations, State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation) and other key products (NSW)
13 June 2017: Acton Peninsula Draft Structure Plan (ACT)
21 May 2017: Draft Animal Welfare and Management Strategy (ACT)
11 May 2017: Draft ACT Native Grassland Conservation Strategy and Action Plans, March 2017
6 April 2017: Stockdill Drive, Belconnen (ACT): Reference number: DA 201731203
26 March 2017: Demolition of existing buildings on the former CSIRO headquarters site, Campbell (ACT) (WA100168)
23 March 2017: 2016 draft Eastern Grey Kangaroo Management Plan (ACT)
14 December 2016: 2017-18 ACT budget consultation
29 November 2016: Draft Action Plan - Pink-tailed Worm-lizard - Aprasia parapulchella 2016 (ACT) (pdf, 1MB)
23 November 2016: Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project (NSW)
11 October 2016: ACT Second Electrical Supply Project: EPBC Referral no 2016/7784
11 October 2016: Urban Development of (Part) Block 5, Section 10 Greenway: EPBC Referral no 2016/7781
30 July 2016: IKEA Canberra - Northern Access Road (ACT): EPBC Referral no 2016/7742
27 July 2016: Kosciuszko National Park Draft Wild Horse Management Plan (NSW)
27 June 2016: Biodiversity Conservation Reform Package (NSW)
26 June 2016: Woodlands Wetlands Trust - Mulligans Flat expansion (ACT)
21 June 2016: Draft variation 349: public land overlay and zone changes (ACT)
10 June 2016: West Belconnen Strategic Assessment (ACT)
21 April 2016: Renewing Tuggeranong: Tuggeranong’s next generation suburb (ACT)
9 April 2016: Development Control Plan 16/01 Blocks 4 & 5 Section 38 Campbell
29 March 2016: Ellerton Drive extension – species impact statement addendum (ACT)
18 March 2016: Supporting on-ground landcare in the ACT
8 March 2016: Upper Bunyan Gravel Pit (Cooma Monaro DA 10.2015.498.1) (NSW)
8 February 2016: Draft nature strip guidelines community survey (ACT)
25 January 2016: ActewAGL Vegetation Management Consultation Paper (ACT)
3 Decmeber 2015: NSW Travelling Stock Reserves – Draft State Planning Framework 2016-2019
12 November 2015: National Capital Plan draft amendment 86 – Revised National Capital Plan
11 October 2015: 2016-17 ACT budget consultation
24 September 2015: Draft policy statement: advanced environmental offsets under the EPBC Act
24 September 2015: Advanced offsets (ACT)
9 September 2015: Submission: Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015 (Cwlth)
31 August 2015: Development application: Subdivision of lots 10 and 11 DP708411, 17-19 Meehan Street, Yass (NSW)
31 July 2015: National Capital Plan Exposure Draft 2015
1 July 2015: Draft Variation to the Territory Plan No351 - West Belconnen Urban Development
1 July 2015: National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 85 - West Belconnen Urban Development (ACT)
8 June 2015: Draft Development Control Plan 15/04 - Amtech Estate (ACT)
8 June 2015: Construction of a link road on Majura Parkway, Pialligo (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2015/7483
21 May 2015: Presentation to the Myer grassland symposium, Canberra: Urban planning issues for grasslands in the ACT region
20 May 2015: Submission to House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations May 2015
2 April 2015: Statement of Planning Intent: guiding planning priorities for Canberra
20 March 2015: The Canberra Brickworks & Environs Planning and Development Strategy
19 February 2015: Design Standards for Urban Infrastructure Revisions (MIS 16, 20, 23 and 24) (ACT)
28 January 2015: Leucochrysum albicans var. tricolor
24 December 2014: Listing assessment: Polytelis swainsoni (Superb Parrot) (ACT)
10 December 2014: Draft South Jerrabomberra Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014 (NSW)
10 December 2014: Stage 1 Light Rail Service: Gungahlin to Civic, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2014/7379
10 December 2014: Omnibus Territory Plan variation – DV336 (ACT)
5 November 2014: Blocks 4 and 5, section 38, Campbell (ACT): EPBC Reference number 2014/7372
23 September 2014: Symonston Estate Stage 2, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2014/7327
8 September 2014: ACT – draft approval bilateral agreement
26 August 2014: Ellerton Drive extension, East Queanbeyan, NSW: EPBC Reference number 2014/7304
25 July 2014: Exposure draft to Strategic Bushfire Management Plan version 3 (ACT)
23 July 2014: Listing of Tablelands Snow Gum, Candlebark and Kangaroo Grass Grassy Woodland in the NSW South Western Slopes, South East Corner, South Eastern Highlands and Sydney Basin Bioregions
10 July 2014: ACT offsets policy
8 July 2014: Canberra brickworks + environs Planning and Development Strategy
26 June 2014: Environmental assessment of site for the University of Canberra Public Hospital
18 June 2014: Crown Lands Legislation White Paper (NSW)
13 June 2014: Canberra Airport Master Plan
27 May 2014: Submission to Senate Standing Committee on the Environment and Communications Inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bilateral Agreement Implementation) Bill 2014 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Cost Recovery) Bill 2014
4 May 2014: Natural Temperate Grasslands of the South Eastern Highlands Bioregion
30 April 2014: Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects (NSW)
30 April 2014: Submission on the NCA’s draft 2014-2016 Bushfire Operations Plan (BOP)
30 April 2014: Strategic Bushfire Management Plan Review (ACT)
24 April 2014: Draft ACT bilateral agreement
9 April 2014: Draft Heritage Management Plan for Surveyors Hut and Surveyors Park (ACT)
8 April 2014: Rye Park Wind Farm: EPBC Reference number 2014/7163
3 April 2014: Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications inquiry into environmental offsets
31 December 2013: Draft ACT Trails Strategy
22 October 2013: Submission to the ACT budget 2014-15 process
18 April 2013: Gungahlin Strategic Assessment (ACT)
10 April 2013: Bango Wind Farm, NSW: EPBC Reference number 2013/6810
10 April 2013: Yass Valley Wind Farm: EPBC Reference number 2013/6809
9 April 2013: AFP Majura Driver Training Facility, Majura, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2013/6807
9 April 2013: Majura Road, Pialligo, ACT - Construction of a short haul road: EPBC Reference number 2013/6802
2 April 2013: Lawson South 132 kV Power Line Relocation - Draft EIS (ACT)
21 March 2013: Molonglo Riverside Park – Coombs preliminary design (ACT)
21 March 2013: Hotel and Carpark Development, Section 22 Barton, ACT: reconsideration request: EPBC Reference number 2012/660
6 March 2013: Mugga Lane Landfill extension Environmental Impact Statement (ACT)
24 February 2013: Submission to the ACT budget 2013-14 process
29 January 2013: Submission to the House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories inquiry into the allocation of land to diplomatic missions in the Australian Capital Territory
23 January 2013: Greater Goorooyarroo draft strategy (ACT)
22 January 2013: Travelling Stock Reserves and the Crown Lands Review (NSW)
14 January 2013: Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications Committee on the inquiry on Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012
13 January 2013: Moncrieff Residential Housing Estate Draft Environmental Impact Statement (ACT)
18 December 2012: Mugga Lane Solar Development, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2012/6670
15 December 2012: Block 14 Section 22 Barton - Redevelopment of 21 National Circuit - Stage 1 Works (ACT)
14 December 2012: Submission to the Senate Environment and Communications References Committee on the inquiry on the effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities' protection in Australia
12 December 2012: National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 80 and Draft Amendment 78
12 December 2012: Campbell Section 5 (ACT): Publication of Preliminary Documentation under the Commonwealth EPBC Act 1999
10 December 2012: Canberra Centenary Trail Project (ACT): EPBC Reference number 2012/6645
10 December 2012: Draft Nature Conservation Strategy (ACT) (includes addendum dated 17 Dec 2012)
4 December 2012: Mugga Lane landfill extension (ACT)
30 November 2012: Additional Antennas at the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, Tidbinbilla (ACT): EPBC Reference number 2012/6633
28 November 2012: Draft Development Control Plan – Belconnen Naval Transmitting Station (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 12/09
19 November 2012: Hotel and Carpark Development, Section 22 Barton, ACT: EPBC Reference number: 2012/6606
29 October 2012: Review of the Environmental Protection Act 1997 (ACT)
26 October 2012: Moncrieff Residential Housing Estate: Environmental Impact Statement Community Consultation (ACT)
22 October 2012: Moncrieff Residential Housing Estate: Environmental Impact Statement Community Consultation (ACT)
24 September 2012: Collector Wind Farm (NSW)
7 September 2012: Jerrabomberra Wetlands draft master plan (ACT)
16 August 2012: Lowland Grassy Woodland and Derived Grassland of the South East Corner Bioregion ecological community nomination (Cwlth)
14 August 2012: Native Vegetation Regulation Review (NSW)
8 August 2012: Canberra the planned national capital: national heritage assessment
30 July 2012: Royalla PV Pty Ltd – Abengoa Solar Project, Belconnen, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2012/6469
17 July 2012: Technical Amendment to the Territory Plan Variations 2012-23 and 2012-24 (ACT)
10 July 2012: Upgrade to 132kv transmission line Theodore to Gilmore, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2012/6443
22 June 2012: Royalla solar farm, block 1633, Tuggeranong, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2012/6431
12 June 2012: Molonglo Valley Stage 2 Group Centre (ACT)
25 May 2012: Offsets in the 2011 ACT State of Environment Report
4 May 2012: Draft Amendment 75: Australian Defence Force Academy and Royal Military College Duntroon Master Plan (ACT)
29 April 2012: Development of future urban areas Jacka (North), Taylor and Kinlyside (ACT): EPBC Reference number 2012/6350
2 April 2012: Development of Symonston Stage 2 , ACT: EPBC Reference number 2012/6320
20 March 2012: Lawson South Residential Development: Invitation to comment on the Referral and Preliminary Documentation (ACT)
12 March 2012: Draft amendment 74: Section 5 Campbell (ACT)
5 March 2012: Campbell Station 5 Development, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2012/6292
29 February 2012: Development of the Future Urban Areas of Kenny and Throsby, ACT : EPBC Reference number 2012/6279
30 January 2012: Throsby Denominational School Site, Gungahlin, ACT: EPBC Reference number 2012/6251
29 November 2011: Draft ACT Planning Strategy
21 November 2011: Canberra Centenary trail (ACT)
16 November 2011: Management of grassy ecosystems on national lands managed by the NCA (ACT)
4 November 2011: Review of the Livestock Health and Pest Authorities (NSW)
30 October 2011: Development Application 201120676, Block 1171 Weston Creek (suburb of Coombs) (ACT)
30 October 2011: Throsby District Playing Fields: Environmental Impact Statement (ACT)
28 October 2011: Consultation paper on cost recovery under the EPBC Act
24 October 2011: Submission on National Capital Authority discussion paper, Canberra’s Open Space System
19 October 2011: Consultation draft: biodiversity conservation policy (Commonwealth)
19 October 2011: Consultation draft: environmental offsets policy (Commonwealth)
28 September 2011: Land Development Agency/Residential development/Mulligans Flat Road/ACT/Bonner 4 East Extension, Gungahlin: EPBC Reference Number 2011/6126
28 September 2011: Moncrieff Residential Development (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2011/6113
28 September 2011: Review of the Livestock Health and Pest Authorities (NSW)
16 September 2011: Draft ACT Pest Animal Management Strategy
13 September 2011: Submission on options for new diplomatic estates (ACT)
12 September 2011: ACT Volunteer Statement
6 September 2011: Lawson Master Plan and Draft Estate Development Plan (ACT)
27 July 2011: Investigation into the state of the water courses and catchments for Lake Burley Griffin (ACT): terms of reference
10 July 2011: Block 799 Gunghalin: EPBC referral (ACT)
17 June 2011: Molonglo River Park Concept Plan (ACT)
28 May 2011: Gang-gang logo (ACT)
16 May 2011: Canberra Nature Park investigation (ACT)
11 April 2011: Collector Wind Farm, NSW: EPBC Reference Number 2011/5899
10 April 2011: Googong Township Urban Development, NSW: EPBC Reference Number 2011/5829
8 April 2011: Investigation into the Canberra Nature Park (nature reserves); the Molonglo River Corridor (nature reserves) and Googong Foreshores
16 February 2011: Review of Nature Conservation Act 1980 (ACT)
14 February 2011: Googong Township Urban Development, NSW: EPBC Reference Number 2011/5829
8 February 2011: Draft NSW Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2015
26 January 2011: Noxious Weeds Act 1993 (NSW): Statutory Review Issues Paper
24 January 2011: Ngunnawal Residential Estate Stage 2C, Gungahlin, ACT EPBC referral
24 January 2011: Expansion of the Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2011/ 5808
24 January 2011: Jamieson House Redevelopment, St John's Church, Reid, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2011/5803
19 January 2011: Design of the Carbon Farming Initiative
20 December 2010: Crawford School extension, ANU (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2010/5764
9 December 2010: Development of block 799 Gungahlin ACT: EPBC Reference Number: 2010/5750
6 December 2010: Residential development/West of Mulligans Flat Road, Gungahlin (ACT): EPBC Reference Number: 2010/5742
28 November 2010: Planning the Eastern Broadacre Area (ACT) – a discussion paper, July 2010
9 November 2010: South Jerrabomberra urban development project (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2010/5708
5 November 2010: Management of trees on national lands
5 November 2010: Inquiry into the ecological carrying capacity of the ACT and region, Discussion Paper, October 2010
5 November 2010: Draft Development Control Plan No. 10/07, Block 799 Gungahlin (ACT)
5 October 2010: Development of Ngunnawal Residential Estate 2C (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2010/5648
18 September 2010: Planning and Development (Environmental Impact Statements) Amendment Bill 2010 (ACT)
9 August 2010: Residential development, MacGregor West 2 Estate (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2010/5520
23 July 2010: Provisional registration of Kama woodland, small purple pea and button wrinklewort on Heritage Register (ACT)
20 July 2010: Upgrade and extension of Morisset road, Kenny, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2010/5565
9 July 2010: Inquiry into Draft Variation to the Territory Plan No. 299 – Lawson South: Introduction of a Structure Plan, a Concept Plan and Zone Changes (ACT)
5 July 2010: York Park – Carpark Access Road (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2010/5548
5 July 2010: Clarrie Hermes Drive Extension Preliminary Documentation (ACT)
29 June 2010: Lawson South residential development: EPBC Reference Number 2010/5549
28 June 2010: Threatened Species Conservation Regulation (NSW)
25 June 2010: Molonglo Valley Plan for Protection of Matters of National Environmental Significance: Framework and Draft Strategic Assessment (ACT)
23 June 2010: Tidbinbilla Draft Plan of Management May 2010 (ACT)
15 June 2010: Macgregor West 2 Estate development (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 2010/5520
24 May 2010: Murrumbidgee to Googong water transfer (ACT) draft public environment report: EPBC Reference Number 2009/5124
24 May 2010: Kings Highway Deviation, ACT : EPBC Reference Number 2010/5501
14 May 2010: Lindsay Pryor National Arboretum Renewal Project (ACT)
7 May 2010: Investigation into the Government's tree management practices and the renewal of Canberra's urban forest (ACT)
3 May 2010: Throsby multisport complex, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2010/5456
22 April 2010: Forde North Development, Gunghalin, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2010/5439
22 April 2010: Molonglo Valley Plan for Protection of Matters of National Environmental Significance: Framework and Draft Strategic Assessment (ACT)
14 April 2010: Draft development Control Plan – Belconnen Naval Transmitting Station (ACT): EPBC Reference Number 171/10/0003
12 April 2010: Kings Highway Southern Deviation (ACT)
7 April 2010: Mirrabei Drive Extension, Gungahlin, ACT: EPBC Reference Number 2010/5412
7 April 2010: Native Vegetation Framework Review (national)
29 March 2010: Federal Golf Course – Draft Environmental Impact Statement (removal of concessional status) (ACT)
18 March 2010: Request by ACTPLA for reconsideration of decision under Section 78A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 – urban development in parts of the suburb of Coombs – Molonglo Valley, ACT (EPBC 2009/5050)
12 March 2010: Management of trees on national lands (National Captial Authority)
22 February 2010: Investigation into Canberra Nature Park, the Molonglo River Corridor and Googong foreshores (ACT Commissioner for the Environment)
29 December 2009: Meeting about ACT Government implementation of recommendations from the Native Grassland Investigation
22 December 2009: NCA referral - removal of trees on national land: EPBC reference number 2009/5204
14 December 2009: Canberra Airport Environment Strategy (ACT)
14 December 2009: Murrumbidgee to Googong water transfer development: EPBC Reference Number 2009/5124
14 December 2009: Murrumbidgee to Googong Water Transfer project (ACTEW)
14 December 2009: Murrumbidgee to Googong Water Transfer: Environmental Assessment (NSW) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (ACT), August 2009
Report on Community Monitoring of Golden Sun Moths in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), November 2009 (assisted by FoG) (1.2MB PDF)
24 November 2009: Lawson South Planning Study: draft variation no 299 (ACT)
10 November 2009: Edwin Land Parkway stage 2 – Jerrabomberra to Karabar EPBC Reference Number 2009/5162, NSW
9 November 2009: Policy for management techniques – Clause 28 of the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005, NSW
4 November 2009: Clarrie Hermes Drive Extension development EPBC Reference Number 2009/5156, ACT
19 October 2009: Murrumbidgee to Googong water transfer development EPBC Reference Number 2009/5124, ACT
22 September 2009: NSW Native Vegetation Act 2003 review
20 September 2009: S78A reconsideration request: Bonner Stage 4, Site Servicing and Land Release Gungahlin, ACT, Reference Number EPBC 2009/4816
15 September 2009: Draft Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (ACT)
15 September 2009: Murrumbidgee to Googong Water Transfer: Environmental Assessment (NSW) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (ACT), August 2009
8 September 2009: Majura ACT freeway development
8 September 2009: Clarrie Hermes Drive Extension EIS 3002194/Revision No 2/29 July 2009, ACT
2 September 2009: ACTPLA development in the suburb of Coombs and Wright, Molonglo Valley, ACT
30 August 2009: ACT Government implementation of recommendations from the Native Grassland Investigation
29 August 2009: Management priorities for the Stirling Ridge and Yarramundi Reach, ACT
14 August 2009: National Museum of Australia new storgage facility proposal, ACT
14 August 2009: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Majura Parkway, ACT
28 May 2009: Lake Burley Griffin and Adjacent Lands Draft Heritage Management Plan, ACT
19 May 2009: Lawson South Planning Study, ACT
13 April 2009: EPBC ref 09/4816 – Bonner stage 4 – site servicing and land release, ACT
6 April 2009: EPBC ref 09/4805 – Williamsdale electricity substation, ACT
00 April 2009: Nomination for listing the ecological community “Inland Grey Box Woodland” as a threatened ecological community under the EPBC Act 1999
12 March 2009: EPBC ref 09/4752 – North Weston residential development, ACT
5 March 2009: EPBC ref 09/4748 – infrastructure upgrade and construction at Canberra Airport, ACT
25 February 2009: Comments on the Tidbinbilla, New Management Plan Discussion Paper, ACT (pdf, 36kB)
19 December 2008: Submission to the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
19 December 2008: Letter to incoming ACT Government
15 December 2008: ActewAGL sub-transmission line, Williamsdale to Theodore, ACT
12 December 2008: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Canberra Technology City, ACT
17 November 2008: Expanded role of Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, ACT
20 October 2008: Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for Molonglo Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), ACT
14 October 2008: Belconnen Naval Transmission Station (BNTS) remediation activity, ACT
26 September 2008: Extension of Taxiway Bravo, Canberra International Airport, ACT
26 June 2008: Draft agreement between the Australian and ACT governments relating to environmental impact assessment
23 June 2008: ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning and Environment inquiry into the Territory Plan Draft Variation No.281 - Molonglo and North Weston
16 June 2008: Gungahlin town centre study, ACT
9 May 2008: Preliminary Assessment for upgrading of the ACT portion of the Kings Highway
8 May 2008: EPBC referral 2008/4175 Crace: proposal to develop a new residential suburb in Gungahlin ACT
6 May 2008: EPBC referral 2008/4170, a proposal for taxiway extension at the Canberra International Airport, ACT
1 May 2008: Letter to Prime Minister re lack of action in managing kangaroos on Department of Defence land in Canberra, ACT
28 April 2008: Further to FoG submission to the Commissioner's grassland management inquiry of 25 January 2008, ACT
27 February 2008: Comment on the Canberra International Airport preliminary Draft Master Plan 2008, ACT
26 February 2008: Comments to the NSW NPWS on Turallo Nature Reserve draft plan of management, NSW
14 February 2008: Comment on a draft management plan on the Narrabundah Long Stay Caravan Park swapsite, ACT
25 January 2008: Submission to the ACT Lowland Native Grasslands Inquiry
19 January 2008: Comments under the EPBC Act on the transfer of land from the Department of Defence to the Canberra Airport Group (CAG) to build a road around the northern end of the Canberra Airport, ACT
21 December 2007: Transfer of 38.83ha of land from the Department of Defence to the Canberra Airport Group to build a 2.3km road around the northern end of the airport, ACT
3 December 2007: comments on 'the Belconnen native lowland grasslands' site - the Belconnen Naval Station site, 'the Lawson grassland', ACT
26 November 2007: Draft Variation to the ACT Territory Plan No. 261 North Watson
26 November 2007: Draft Variation to the ACT Territory Plan No. 281 Molonglo and North Weston, and the associated Preliminary Assessment
29 October 2007: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
29 October 2007: ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee's 'Water Use and Management Inquiry'.
18 October 2007: Transfer of Defence land at Majura ACT
8 October 2007: Residential development, Macgregor ACT
14 September 2007: Draft ACT Weeds Strategy
3 September 2007: Draft Variation to the ACT Territory Plan No. 285 Symonston Block 17 Section 12 - extension of Broadacre 10E Area Specific Policy
30 August 2007: Provisions for Mobile Home Park, Symonston, ACT
17 August 2007: Three Preliminary Assessments - Site preparation of the Inner Asset Protection Zones of three southern Canberra Nature Park Nature Reserves: Cooleman Ridge, Tuggeranong Hill, Urambi Hills, ACT
3 August 2007: Block 17 Section 102 Symonston, ACT
1 August 2007: Letter to the Editor: Rare reptiles and precious plants at West Macgregor, ACT
19 July 2007 : Proposal for 39 sites within three Nature Reserves of Canberra Nature Park, ACT, to enable mowing with a slasher 'to protect adjacent assets by maintaining bushfire hazards at an acceptable risk level'
13 July 2007: Proposal to develop Block 22 Section 32, Yarralumla, ACT for a diplomatic mission
11 July 2007: Letter to the Editor: Kangaroo culling, ACT
1 June 2007: Draft restructured Territory Plan, ACT
28 May 2007: ACT Flora and Fauna Committee's Proposed amendments to the guidelines and criteria for assessment of threatened species and communities in the ACT
18 May 2007: Four proposed fire trails in Namadgi National Park and Bullen Range Nature Reserve, ACT
2 May 2007: Scabby Range Reserve and Yaouk Nature Reserve Draft Fire Management Strategies, ACT
4 April 2007: Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve Draft Management Plan, ACT
2 April 2007: Draft Murrumbateman Bush Cemetery Landscape Development Plan, NSW.