
The Current Calendar (below) includes FoG and related activities. To be kept fully up to date with FoG activities, become a member, get the newsletter and if you have email access you'll also get the FoG E-bulletin with all the latest news and information. If you have queries about any of the activities below, contact the person nominated, or Contact Us.

FoG visits many private or public properties during the year to assist in plant identification and management issues. These visits usually do not appear in the FoG program because we may not know what to expect at such sites and because they are usually arranged at short notice. If you are interested in participating in property visits, Contact Us.

Please advertise this information amongst your friends and networks and support our activities.

Non FoG members are welcome to participate in FoG events.

For any FoG activity you should register with the indicated contact, who can assist with directions and possibly car pooling. By registering you assist us to organise any catering and provide you with any other information that you may need, including late changes. For all FoG activities please supply your emergency contact person's details when registering.


Summary of upcoming FOG Events

Summary of upcoming FOG Work parties

National Lands Group. Register:

Budjan Galindji Grassland Nature Reserve (Franklin). Register:

Hall Cemetery.

Top Hut TSR, near Cooma, NSW.  Contact:

Summary of Notices

(Details further down the page)

Details of FOG Events

Early warning of FOG future eventsts

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Events and dates are indicative and may be subject to change. Details will be advised as more information is available.

Details of FOG work parties


Work parties participants need to register for these events at least two days before the event, to confirm details of the starting locations or any last-minute changes. Note: work includes weeding, planting and rubbish removal. Herbicides are often used so these events are not suitable for young children. Tools are provided.  You need to wear gardening clothes (including hat) and solid footwear appropriate for the work and the weather, and bring your own drinking water. The work party convener may provide morning tea, making these pleasant social occasions. Events will be cancelled if the weather is unsuitable: a) the forecast is 35 deg C+, b) it is a total fire ban day, c) there is lightning, d) air quality is hazardous, or e) heavy rain.

National Lands Group - Inquiries and registration:

FOG’s National Lands Group is responsible for work on National Lands (Gurubung Dhaura /Stirling Park, Scrivener’s Hut, State Circle, Blue Gum Point & Yarramundi Grassland) managed by the National Capital Authority and Blue Gum Point managed by ACT Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS). Work parties with 10 to 30 participants held on Saturday mornings between 9 am and 12:30 pm unless otherwise stated:

Budjan Galindji Grassland Nature Reserve (Franklin) - Inquiries and registration:

The Budjan Galindji Grassland Nature Reserve Parkcare Group is organised by FOG and ACT Parkcare. Work parties have largely focused on plant identification and removing weeds, and some planting of grasses and forbs is planned. We are working closely with the Rangers. This is a great opportunity for participants in the group to learn about grassland plants and weeds and their management, and more generally how to restore our precious grasslands, including selecting, growing, and reintroducing plants.  Work parties are from 9-11.30am on the first and fourth Wednesday of the month.

Hall Cemetery - Inquiries and registration:

FOG has held regular work parties at Hall Cemetery since 2009, aiming to remove weeds and restore the native grasses and wild flowers that were once present. Work parties are held from 9am-11am. You need to bring your own working tool, and dress sensibly.

Top Hut TSR, near Cooma, NSW.  Contact:

Scottsdale Monitoring.  Inquiries & contact:

Details of Notices

Please advertise these events among your friends and networks. Non FoG members are welcome to FoG events. For inquiries or if you have an item to include, please Contact Us