Friends of Grasslands

supporting native grassy ecosystems

PO Box 440
Jamison Centre
Macquarie ACT 2614



Territory Plan Comments
GPO Box 158
Canberra, ACT 2601


Dear Sir/Madam

National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 85 - West Belconnen Urban Development

Friends of Grasslands (FOG) is a community group dedicated to the conservation of natural temperate grassy ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. FOG advocates, educates and advises on matters to do with the conservation of grassy ecosystems, and carries out surveys and other on-ground work. FOG is based in Canberra and its members include professional scientists, landowners, land managers and interested members of the public.

FOG supports the proposed amendment which will rezone some areas in West Belconnen currently ‘Hills, Ridges and Buffer Spaces’ and ‘Broadacre Areas’ in the National Capital Plan (the Plan) to ‘Urban areas’ and ‘River Corridors’ resulting in a net increase to the Murrumbidgee River corridor of 80ha.

The reconfigured river corridor will provide additional habitat for the Pink tailed worm lizard and additional protection for grassy woodland.  This is to be welcomed.

The proposed additional urban area, which crosses the NSW/ACT border, will be contained by the Murrumbidgee River and Ginninderra Creek. The changes will preserve a backdrop of the hills and mountain ranges (west of the Murrumbidgee) for the expanded urban area and will not be inconsistent with key objectives of the Plan. While not part of the Plan, this rezoning will be complimented by landscape and rural zoning in NSW along the Murrumbidgee River and Ginninderra Creek, ensuring that the expanded urban area will be buffered effectively. The preservation of the backdrop of hills and the buffer in the NSW part of the proposed development are, in FOG’s view, essential if DA85 is to maintain the integrity of the objectives of the Plan.


Yours sincerely


Naarilla Hirsch
Advocacy coordinator

1 July 2015