Plant Lists
FoG from time to time prepares lists of plants found on properties we have visited, sometimes in association with other groups. Other websites have privately published species lists.
Plant lists include:
- November 2013 lists for Hall Cemetery: List 4529, List 4530 (spreadsheets in Excel format)
- an October 2013 list for Bundidgerry, a 160 ha working property to the east of Murrumbateman, NSW (also in Excel format)
- a flora list for the Cooma-Monaro shire, and other NSW shires near the ACT, published as part of the 2004 Australian Capital Region State of the Environment Report
- a list for Mt Oak (1140 hectares of granite outcropping mountains of Drooping Sheoak and Black Cypress Pine, Apple Box grassy woodland and Monaro temperate grasslands, on the Murrumbidgee River and the Murrumbucca Creek at Billilingra, near Bredbo, south of Canberra)
- Rainer Rehwinkle's PATN analysis of grassland associations within the Natural Temperate Grassland Endangered Ecological Community in the Southern Tablelands of NSW (2MB).